Yesterday at the Armenian National Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet after Alexander Spendiaryan President Serzh Sargsyan took part at the honoring and award ceremony of the Armenian athletes and their coaches who had won medals at the 31st Summer Olympic Games. The Armenian athletes and their coaches who had brought victory to Armenia in Rio received major awards from the president of NOC of Armenia, Gagik Tsarukyan. The president of NOC of Armenia gave a 300 square meters apartment in the center of Yerevan worth of more than $ 1 million to Artur Alexanyan who had conquered an Olympic gold for Armenia after a 20-year break. Keeping his promise the president of NOC of Armenia also awarded Mihran Harutyunyan as a champion who had been deprived of a gold medal in Rio because of injustice and gave him an apartment worth of $ 1 million.. Gor Minasyan and Simon Martirosyan, winners of silver medals at the Olympic Games, were also given major awards. Simon Martirosyan was awarded 30 million drams and Gor Minasyan – a four-bedroom apartment in Gyumri and 30 million drams. Gagik Tsarukyan also gave an apartment to the head coach of the Armenian weightlifting team, Pashik Alaverdyan. The head coach of the Armenian wrestling team, Levon Julfalakyan, as well as Artur Alexanyan’s personal coach, Gevorg Alexanyan, were rewarded 10 million drams each. The other personal coaches of our Olympic heroes also received 5 million drams each.
Apartments worth of $ 1 million to Olympic champions