We are a nation of serious opportunities and a centuries-old history, and if we work properly, we can straighten our back very quickly

“Against colonialism. For the Freedom of Nations” founding forum was held in Moscow, the capital of the Russian Federation, from 15 to 17 February. The delegation of the political party “Prosperous Armenia” also participated in the forum at the invitation of the governing party of RF “United Russia” (Yedinaya Rossiya).
All the states are trying to find the right solutions for their countries and their peoples, which will ensure their security and well-being.
I have had and will have many bilateral meetings with state, political and public figures of different levels, where we will again talk directly, ask each other difficult questions, try to listen to each other and understand each other.
In all my meetings I ask this question- if we want to be allies, if we want to restore our relations and if we want to be useful to each other, we should record it and start working competently. Everyone is concerned today, everyone understands that today’s Armenians are broken, they don’t have their former pride, and this is not a favorable situation for our people. We are a nation of serious opportunities and a centuries-old history, and if we work properly, we can straighten our back very quickly.