We have no moral right to despair and give up

Dear compatriots,
It has been 28 years since the Constitution became one of the symbols of our independent Statehood.
Unfortunately, today we live in such times when there is neither a mood nor a desire to celebrate this significant day of the State, and many people do not see the point of celebrating it. It is difficult to create a festive atmosphere when every day there are concerns about the danger of losing our Statehood, and Artsakh has been under siege for a long time.
But we have no moral right to despair and give up. We must jointly look for ways out of this critical situation. For me, that way out is first of all internal social reconciliation. We must comprehend that this atmosphere of hatred and enmity will not lead to anything good. An atmosphere of solidarity must prevail at all levels of society.
We must create such an atmosphere where the formulation of the Constitution, “the power in the Republic of Armenia belongs to the people”, is a reality, and not just words. National goals, rights and responsibilities of a person and a citizen should not be fixed only on paper, but should be proven in daily practice. And here we all have to do our part…
I wish peace on the borders of our country, optimism and well-being to our people.
God bless us all…